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Birmingham Airport leans on Veovo to help grow carriers numbers by 28%

Birmingham Airport is the UK’s third-largest outside of London with 50 carriers flying 12.5 million passengers to 150 destinations

In 2012, with passenger numbers increasing annually, Birmingham’s management team kicked off an ambitious expansion project to double its capacity. A fully integrated and automated airport management system was needed to tackle the high levels of manual intervention required to run day-to-day operations and handle the complex charge structure needed to attract carriers.

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A proven track record

Birmingham Airport was already using Veovo’s Guest Engagement (FIDS) system and Wayne Smith, the airport’s Director of IT and Information Security had been impressed with the results. The breadth of the Veovo Airport Management Suite made the company the obvious choice, but what ultimately won Wayne and his team over was Veovo’s strategic and collaborative approach.

The new system would need to fix a number of operational issues. Passenger volume was putting extra pressure on the airport’s fixed and mobile assets, including buses, gates, stands, check-in desks and baggage belts. Poor data integration was limiting the revenue generation potential of its flight information display system. Attracting new carriers to the airport and expansion of routes would also require a higher degree of charging flexibility.

Big results and big plans

With Veovo, Birmingham Airport has certainly upped its game. Using the Veovo Revenue Management system, the management team can create highly targeted airline contracts with variable discounts, issue performance-based rebates and integrate all charges and services onto one invoice. Real-time operational data feeds ensure billing integrity for aero and commercial customers, resulting in fewer disputes and increased productivity. The inclusion of contextual advertising within Veovo FIDS, has helped the growth of retail concession sales. With Veovo’s Resource Management System, the Operations Team can quickly allocate resource against the flight schedule and handle peaks and unexpected changes.

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Wayne Smith

Director of IT & Information Security at Birmingham Airport

“Veovo enables us to implement our growth and development strategies by underpinning our ability to share real-time flight, resourcing and passenger information across the airport.”

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