
Veovo Helps Keflavik Airport Give You a Better Travel Experience

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Keflavik Airport one of the fastest growing tourist – and transit – destinations in Europe, has joined an ever growing club of international airports around the world, who uses Veovo Passenger Predictability to improve the traveler experience and optimise operations. The solution, which monitors passenger queue and dwell times within the airport, enables Keflavik Airport to provide a positive experience by displaying waiting times to passengers and real-time data to airport resource planners.

Booming Airport

Iceland’s Keflavik Airport has been expanding and is Iceland´s main hub for 25 international airlines. It has more than doubled its passenger numbers between 2010 and 2015 and is expected to handle 6.7 million passengers in 2016.

Real-time data help the airport to understand and improve.

To help handle the increasing passenger numbers smoothly and efficiently, the airport implemented the solution. Installed in more than 25 airports globally, Veovo helps Keflavik to measure passenger movement through the terminal in real-time so they can understand and improve the operation.

Wait time screens ease passenger frustration.

From a passenger perspective, the solution has allowed the airport to display waiting times on screens and on the airport’s website which helps to keep the traveler informed, reduces frustration and delivers a more stress free, pleasant transit experience.

Prompt response to irregular operations.

Operationally, the airport uses the data to monitor security line congestion which allows management to respond promptly and effectively to irregular operations and disruptions, to ultimately reduce processing times.

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“We use the data to see when levels of service are breached and to find out the reasons. This has helped us to identify the problems we had with our work shifts starting a bit too late. Before installing the solution, we noticed this issue but did not have the valuable information at hand, to actually be able to quantify the problem. Now we are able to make more informed decisions in security,” says Guðmundur Karl Gautason, Project Manager – Operation Research at Keflavik Airport.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]The data is also used to provide minute-by-minute live forecasts of waiting times. This enables the airport to adjust plans if expected wait times deviate from original forecasts, preventing queue build-up and avoiding potential KPI violations.

Future development plans

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“We are seeing improvements in our resource planning anecdotal feedback suggests that our passengers are happy”, said Hanna M. Hermannsdóttir, Specialist in operation research at Keflavik Airport. “Moving forward, we are actively engaged with BLIP Systems to explore how we can extend the measurement to include other areas and processes within the terminal”.

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