
Dublin Airport Speed up Security Lines with Veovo Technology

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The use of Veovo sensors has helped Dublin Airport to efficiently manage queues for greater processing efficiency and to display real-time wait times, to improve traveller experience.

In 2015, more than 25 million passengers travelled through Dublin Airport – the airports best year ever. Despite the increase in popularity, the expectations of passengers and airlines alike remain high. The travelling public expects a stress-free journey through the airport, the regulator expects security wait time SLA’s to be achieved, and airlines hope to achieve on-time-departures.

The significant challenges facing Dublin Airport for the next 20-25 years is the increase in passengers.To help monitor and handle the increasing passenger numbers smoothly and efficiently, going through the same size airport, Dublin Airport implemented the Veovo Passenger Predictability solution.

The data allows the airport to respond promptly and efficiently, if lines are becoming congested, to ultimately reduce processing times. Also, the information is used to provide minute-by-minute live forecasts of waiting times for the remaining hours of the day. It enables the airport to adjust plans if expected wait times deviate from original estimates, preventing queue build-up and avoiding potential KPI violations.

“We have deployed the technology at our key pinch points throughout our airport, including Security and Immigration. We use the information to help resource our operation on the day and to identify pinch points, and potential passenger build ups. The predictive data has proved to be very accurate, and is used by the staff to monitor the operation and is also the queue time that is displayed on our mobile application and monitors around the airport”, says John Seely, Technology Projects Manager at Dublin.


“It tells us how many passengers have passed through a point at a given time. This gives us an exact real-time piece of information of about how long it took a group of passengers just to pass from one point to another point. Effectively ensuring that every passenger who comes through the building, gets to their gate on time, and that their flight departs on time, gives them the best experience that they possible can have”, says David Nugent, Terminal Two Operations Manager at Dublin Airport.


“I think it’s really important that passengers have an idea that it is going to take them possible approximately 20-25 minutes to get through the security screening area. Having this information to hand means they are more relaxed when they come through, they don’t just see it as a queue with no end in sight. They know that it’s going to take them that length time”, says Karen Smyth, TI Security Duty Manager, DAA


“In order to improve traveler satisfaction, comply with service-level agreements and evaluate key performance indicators, it is important that the managers at Dublin Airport are able to measure and subsequently improve the flow and queue waiting times. The uncertainty around how long the queue process will take weighs heavily on the mind, particularly when confronted with what appears to be a lot of people in line in front of you. Displaying estimated wait times allow travelers to reduce frustration by creating realistic wait time expectations.” explains Christian Bugislaus Carstens, Marketing Manager at Veovo.

The system has helped Dublin Airport to ensure that their passengers spend no longer than half an hour in the queue for security checks.

Also, New York Airports, Amsterdam Schiphol, Cincinnati, Keflavik and Oslo are displaying real-time wait times, based on Veovo data, to relieve stress and improve the passenger experience.

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